Sunday 8 March 2009

I suck at PVP

No, seriously. Got to 19, went into WSG, and practically every time I tried to do something I got mauled by a twink hunter. I ended up leaving the BG prematurely. If this happens again I'm just going to leave it 'till 29 like Aidava did, where I A) have the option of WSG or AB, and B) don't encounter all the 19 twinks.

Tuesday 3 March 2009

Trial of the Sea Lion

That is out of the way and VERY annoying. To be honest, I'm glad we get our Aquatic form before doing that quest. It involves swimming out to places near the fatigue zone in Darkshore and Westfall. Ghah. At least it has a decent reward - [Aquarius Belt]. Crit'n'hit rating - excellent.

In other news, Leatherworking has hit Journeyman, and Azuremyst Isle is done, leaving me at level 17. No new achievements this time; I'm missing areas from the isle map that I'll probably get on my way to Bloodmyst. For now, though, I'm logged off in Exodar in preparation for the trek (read:hearthstone) to Westfall. Hopefully I'll ding 19 there; if not I'm off back up to Darkshore until I do.

Skinning: 100/150
Leatherworking: 55/150
Cooking: 55/150
First Aid: 78/150
Fishing: 19/75

Sunday 1 March 2009

*Insert Title Here*

Quite a bit done in this session, levelling the whole time; Bear form for pretty much everything, now. Even tanked four murlocs at the same time, but then again they were about 4 levels lower than me. Dun Morogh and Elwynn Forest are now both out of the way; My eyes now turn to Azuremyst.

Level 16 now but don't have time to do the Aquatic Form quest chain. Halfway through Azuremyst; just starting on the Prophecy of Akida quest chain.

As predicted, my cooking has risen dramatically; what shocked me is that it happened before I got anywhere near the Draenei's emergency crash island. I picked up a whole load of stringy wolf meat during the questing in Elwynn.

Also, *ahem* Hogger. I decided to solo him. If I beat him, then good, I can stand up to something like that; if not, I get +1 in my 'Killed By Hogger' stat. BLASTED DEATH KNIGHTS. I was just about to make the finishing few blows when one decided to lend a hand. Grr.

My bag space has now increased to 80 slots total. Yes, 80. Marshwood had a load of Netherweave sitting around in the bank, and since I sent her a whole lot of frostweave a couple days back, I got four netherweave bags.

Stormwind +Honored
Exodar +Honored

Skinning: 92/150
Leatherworking: 48/75
Cooking: 53/150
First Aid: 73/150
Fishing: 18/75

Exploration -> Eastern Kingdoms -> Explore Dun Morogh
Exploration -> Eastern Kingdoms -> Explore Elwynn Forest
Professions -> Cooking -> Journeyman Cook

Tomorrow, when I get the time: Aquatic Chain.

Saturday 28 February 2009

The Pledge

A lot done in this session. Instead of doing what I said I was going to do with zones (Teldrassil - Azuremyst - Bloodmyst), I ended up doing this:

Teldrassil - Ammen Vale - Northshire Valley - Coldridge Valley - Dun Morogh

Basically, that's all of the 1-5 areas done. The plan now is to meet up with Aidava's plan at Redridge; thus:

Dun Morogh - Elwynn Forest - Azuremyst Isle - Westfall (by then I should be around level 19 and the PVP break) - Bloodmyst Isle - Darkshore - Loch Modan - Redridge Mountains. If I reach the Deadmines before I hit 19, I'll just grab the quests for it and ignore it until I've finished the PVP break.

The reason for the post title is that while running around in Dun Morogh and looking at my dismally low leatherworking skill compared to my skinning, I was considering switching it to mining for the stamina buff.

But then I went into Ironforge and did some stuff, and now I'm committed to it.

Also, I'm less than a bar from 14. Apparently Druids learn Aquatic at 16 - so I'm not sure about the quest.

Gnomeregan Exiles +Honored

Skinning: 75/150
Leatherworking: 48/75
Cooking: 20/75 (this should rocket when I hit Azuremyst)
First Aid: 56/150
Fishing: 18/75

Quests -> 100 Quests Completed (that's Teldrassil and all the starting zones)
Professions -> Professional Journeyman
Professions -> First Aid -> Journeyman in First Aid

Excuse any mispellings in this post, my left arm's got writer's cramp >.< which is odd considering I'm right handed.

Friday 27 February 2009

Helping Me, Helping You

So. Level 12 and Teldrassil is out of the way. The next step is Ammen Vale, in Azuremyst Isle; and I may well go out to visit Northshire Abbey and Coldridge Valley before returning to quest in Azuremyst, just to get the starting area quests out of the way. Got Amersha joined up to VG as well today, as the heroic party night was cancelled due to lack of tanks.

Had a couple of nice moments, the first when (grinding for Bloodfeather Belts on the harpies) I took a whole bunch of aggro that I couldn't handle; another druid tried to take them off me and ended up pulling the whole lot once I died. I thanked him for trying.

Later on, at Oakenscowl's cave- a Priest was running around there, preparing to kill him, and our buffs hit each other at almost exactly the same time.

Pretty successful, I think.

I need to remember that at level 14 Mathrengyl Bearwalker will have the Aquatic Form quest for me (I don't need to do it, but I want to for the achivements).

Skinning: 16/75
Leatherworking: 11/75
Cooking: 20/75
First Aid: 21/75
Fishing: 1/75

General -> Represent (Obtain a tabard)
Exploration -> Kalimdor -> Explore Teldrassil
Quests -> 50 Quests Completed

Next blog post should hopefully be about questing in the starting areas for the other 4 Alliance races.

Tuesday 24 February 2009

Heeding the Call

After a lot of logging on and off, trying to get a clear spot in the Barrow Den (yes, that's where I logged out) I eventually picked up the Shaman Voodoo charm, and then went down to the lower area. There was a level 12 hunter with pet in tow running about the bottom, he'd probably killed Rageclaw, so I went up and got the item while I waited... when I came down, Rageclaw was dead. Ok. I stood still and waited.

And then before I could notice he'd respawned the hunter got him again and started preparing to camp his spawn.

Thankfully moments before he respawned next a Furbolg hit him from behind, so I was able to pull off the kill without interruption.

Did some cooking, and then went on my first class quest. Yes, I now have my bear form. I'd better get used to it, because I'm going to be spending a lot of time in it.

I'd post them but I forgot to note them down before logging off (I'll probably be back on later anyway) and the armoury can't find her because she's been level 10 for so short a time.

General -> Level 10
Exploration -> Kalimdor -> Explore Moonglade

Logged off in Darnassus before doing the run to the Oracle Glade and getting her invited to VG.

Monday 23 February 2009

A Rough Start

Level 9 ahead. Minor progress on professions. Stuff. Got distracted halfway through today's session when I logged Chesha to send some stuff, and ended up doing all of the Icecrown group quests.

I'm following a levelling guide for Teldrassil that I wrote myself, using a previous incarnation of Amersha, and it's interesting to note that at one point I was behind on the guide, so I did a bit of grinding to catch up; and now I'm ahead of it. Odd.

It's not very promising at these low levels; a mob encounter that went wrong and ended with me taking fire from at least three Gnarlpine Mystics got me down to practically the single digits of my HP before I beat them. I then died in Fel Rock because of overaggro from Lord Menelas and a rare that was wandering about.

Skinning: 14/75
Leatherworking: 7/75
Cooking: 12/75
First Aid: 21/75
Fishing: 0/0

General -> Can I keep him? [Obtain a vanity pet]
Feats of Strength -> Collector's Edition: Frost Wyrm Whelp